
Friday, May 13, 2011

In the news

Yesterday Blogger was down so I didn't get a chance to write about two "fat in the news" articles I read.

Article one was about how Chelsea Handler is fat bashing Kirstie Alley. It got my dander up, aren't we all adults? Must we be mean and petty and pick on one another? Is it really necessary to use her weight as the target when there are other things to say something about. *cough* scientology *cough *
I'm curious why Chelsea Handler feels Kirstie is a threat to her, enough so that she needs to make jabs at Kirstie? I get that as women we are catty and fucked up to one another on the age old basis of: other women = competition, but really this is stupid. 
I remember a few years ago cosmo or glamor magazine wrote some nasty tid bit about Kirstie Alley and her weight; in return I sent them and email scolding them for being play ground bullies vs. a fashion magazine for the brain dead masses. That aside I think it just goes to show how far the whole "size issue" really is the last form of acceptable discrimination. It's not just in everyday privet life, but in the mass media as well. Yes make a fat joke get a laugh, har har, GROW UP!

Second Story is the same thing only less celebrities (sort of), This is about yet another miss step by Southwest Airlines kicking someone fat off a flight, and publicly humiliating them to boot.. Tiggeman T.F.T.F. southwest. When will this airline do the right thing and teach their gate staff not to be total dicks?! This poor woman and her mother were made to feel less than human. It is beyond wrong what southwest did, and how they handled the situation makes me want to puke.
The Article sites Director Kevin Smith's similar issue that happened last year (there is your celebrity connection) Who coined the phrase 'Tf Tf' in his later Smod cast on the issue. You would think that after all the negative press southwest keeps getting over this, they would learn that the media eats these stories up. Being that I travel a whole lot I am always scared that I too will get kicked off a flight for my chubby butt. I am lucky though most of the time it has never been an issue. 

However once when I was flying to L.A. I had a man sitting next to me whom treated me like I had the plague due to my size (odd as I was only about a size 20 back when this happened). I had taken my assigned seat, put my head phones on but didn't have my CD player on yet, had my book open on my lap and was starting to read; this man walks up looks at me makes an exasperated sigh then sits down to let other passengers by to take their seats.(Now i fit perfectly in my seat no problem with room to spare) I'm going to guess he figured I had music playing and couldn't hear him, because soon as a flight attendant walked near us he flagged her down and asked to be reseated, "I don't want to sit next to someone who might encroach on my space, can you find me a different seat?" The flight attendant glanced at me, shrugged he shoulders and said that they were about to push back so he would have to wait. He seemed flustered but nodded at her. After a few moments the last of the passengers were on the plane, the captain came over the speaker system saying because the flight wasn't very full that we had a weight balance issue, so if people would like to find other seats further back in the plane please do so now to we can take off with better weight distribution. I have never seen anyone get up and move away from me so fast in my life! The man for up and almost sprinted away from me. Clearly this had a lasting impression, lucky for me I'm not sure many people over heard the conversation. Despite that it hurt me anyway.

All I can say to both of these stories is if you a bigger person: Do not let others police your body. Do not simply let people think it is okay to treat you badly based on nothing more than your size. Bullies come in all shapes, sizes and ages. Being big does not mean you don't have the same rights as everyone else! Stand up for your self and your dignity when faced with bad treatment, no matter the situation. And if all else fails talk about it with the right people, and you can show the world what assholes the people who treat you like crap really are.


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