
Sunday, October 27, 2013

So much, and so little.

Oh dear readers I have been gone too long..
Yes, like every time I disappear for a long time this will be a brief recap of my adventures.

I went to a renaissance fare, got drunk and made an ass out of myself. Lucky for me I was with friends who find me adorable, even if I am being a drunken ass.

I was very proud of myself, for making my Husband and entire costume in two days!
I made brown linen drawstring pants (hand stitched gussets), a gauze shirt, faux leather long vest (also with hand stitched elements), a muffin hat and a satchel... all while working my full time new job.

And that brings us to my other news, and why I haven't been writing.
I got a job. I was suppose to be a bookkeeper but some how ended up as more of a receptionist..
The hours are difficult for me as I have to wake up at 6am. Not something I would ever want to do but where I live traffic sucks. If I dont wake up and get ready and leave the house no later than 7, I don't make it to work by 8am. Yes, my commute of a whopping 15 miles (on the freeway) takes an hour. On the way home normally an hour and 45 minutes. Unless it's friday then it takes far longer, BLEH.

I get home and thats all she wrote! I might have enough brain capacity to make dinner, but sadly I lack the time or desire to write. After all bed time is now a very late 10pm for me.

and that my dears is the long short of it.
I will try to write on weekends if i find the time. or you know get fired..

tired kisses,


1 comment:

  1. Work can suck the soul...but unfortunately....we all need money. Glad you are OK!


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