
Sunday, September 8, 2013

Q&A part 2 more answers (video)

Mama pants writes in response to1 Q&A part one :
WOW! Don't want to go all fan girl on you, but WOW! I have never had anyone respond quit so personally to my questions I will tell you, that made me feel really special. I needed that on Friday, I had such a shit day at work.

I have been digesting your advice ever since.

I did not have have such a wonderful upbringing, and my mom unfortunaely can still put me in the corner (verbally). She instilled in me that I was never good enough, I was fat, lost the weight, but then our battles became over me maintaining it. When I moved out I would eat tubs of Ben and Jerry's and laugh, because she couldn't tell me not to. Stupid I know, but not really because I felt I had control.

I am OK with my large size weight now partly because I can own it, I made myself this way, I was the one who stated what went in my body.

I dislike people who blame everything on their childhood, and don't move on. The reason I asked the question was it helps me find ways to move on, and to better myself, without compromising myself.

Raven...thank you.

Also...I too cuss...ALOT, your video was like I was talking to like minded friend.

And here are my thoughts on the subject:

I hope more of my readers will write to ask me things!
I really love interacting with all of you.


1 comment:

  1. Once again, your video response was awesome. Your grandmother sounds hauntingly like my mom, same hang ups transfered to those around them. I wish I had had your courage to stand up for myself back then.

    I have two daughters, I am trying to teach them to love themselves at any size, and to be accepting of those that don't fit the mold.


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